Thursday 3 September 2009


Alice was in the kitchen helping her grandmother with the washing up. Being old her Nan would have nothing to do with new fangled devices such as dishwashers so after lunch someone would have to help her at the sink in her tiny kitchen. Alice usually avoided this tiresome chore but for just this once she was grateful for the opportunity to retreat, and she it knew it for a retreat, to the sanctuary of the kitchen.

Sunday lunch had been hard for Alice. Her two young, male, cousins were in their in early teens, and never before had something so wonderful happened to them. A real, live, young naked girl was sitting opposite them at the table. Their eyes devoured her breasts with their lunch. They never moved from her breasts, except for the amazing number of times one or other of them dropped something on the floor. They would then spend a long time hunting for the inconsequential lost object. Alice knew exactly what they were looking at and kept her legs firmly crossed throughout the meal.

More unsettling were her aunt and uncle who in diametric opposition to their offspring spent the whole afternoon acting as if Alice were fully clothed. Not once did they refer to her state of undress. This extended to their ogling offspring. What Alice really needed was a settling glass of chilled white wine. There was no chance of this as her grandmother was an avant teetotaller and the glimpse of a mere drop of the demon drink would have elicited a moral tirade lasting at least half an hour. The sight of a stark naked granddaughter however passed without a murmur of rebuke.

The warm dishwater splashed onto her bare skin. Alice ignored it; at least she wouldn’t have wet clothes she mused. Outside the window her two cousins were playing Frisbee in the garden with Greg. One of them caught sight of her through the open window and stopped and stared. Greg took careful aim and hit him on the head with the Frisbee.

“Ow” squealed Harry, “you did that on purpose”

“You’d have caught it if you had been watching, instead of staring at Alice’s tits”

After the initial teasing this morning Greg had set himself up as his sister’s protector.

Alice folded her arms defensively over her chest and poked her tongue out at her cousin

“You can’t really blame them” said her grandmother softly

“I know” sighed Alice.

“They’ll remember this day, and you, for the rest of their lives”

“I think we all will Nan” said Alice in a resigned tone

“Well dear, you do realise you are probably the first naked girl they have seen.”

“I know, and that’s all that is stopping me from screaming at them.”

“So Alice, you have two choices, are you going to hide in here all afternoon or are you going to give them something to really remember you by”

Alice gave her grandmother a puzzled look

“Go play Frisbee”

Alice rocked back and fore on her heels in the manner of someone considering a weighty decision. In fact she wasn’t really thinking at all, the shock of her grandmother’s suggestion was just too much to take in. Slowly, much like a snail homing onto a gardener’s prized plants Alice’s thoughts gathered and proceeded in a logical straight line

‘Everyone’s seen me, yikes all of me’ said her brain

‘I’ve nothing to lose’

‘It’s just bits after all’

‘If it makes them happy’

She looked at the yellow rubber gloves.

‘Should I be wearing them?’ she thought ‘Am I breaking the Nude for Africa code’

‘Yes but not the spirit’ she thought.

“You know Nan, you’re right” she said “I will go”

As carefully as a surgeon she stripped off her washing up gloves, casually wiped some soap bubbles from her bare stomach and walked out into the fragrant garden.

“Hi guys” she shouted “count me in”

The only response was a dull thud as the Frisbee hit the grass a few feet from her brother. The three boys stared at her with their mouths wide open. Alice firmly placed her hands on her hips and smiled at them.

“What’s the matter, never played with a naked girl before” she chided them

“Well, er no, not exactly” replied Greg

“Well I’ve never played Frisbee in the nude before so it will be a learning curve for all of us” said Alice walking out onto the lawn. She luxuriated in the feel of the grass under her bare feet, the warm breeze nuzzling around her skin.

“Catch Alice” shouted Greg.

The Frisbee was high and she jumped to catch it. She winced as her breasts bounced when she landed.

’You can’t beat a good sports bra’ she thought to herself,’ but I bet the boys appreciated the show’

The boys certainly were appreciating the show. They ran her around mercilessly, watching her body as she twisted, turned and jumped. But best of all were the rare occasions she fell legs akimbo sliding along the grass. Alice knew exactly what they were doing but she just didn’t care. She revelled in the freedom of the moment. There was no chafing of tight jeans against her groin, no sticky, sweaty feeling of clothes on her back. No, there was only freedom. Limbs moving without encumbrance, sweat evaporating immediately from exposed skin. It was worth a little revelation of the inner secrets of her vagina to experience the total freedom of her body in motion.


Her mother’s voice cut thought her reverie. ‘A telling off coming’ she thought ‘Don’t let the boys see what’s in your knickers’

“Yes Mum”

“Come here and put some sun cream on. You’ll be as red as lobster if you don’t” said her mother.

Alice dutifully stood still while her mother applied lotion to her back. “You can do the front” said her mother handing her the bottle “And don’t forget the naughty bits!”

Her cousins snickered as Alice’s mother strode back in doors. Then they drooled as they watched her rub cream into her breasts.

“Tongues in boys” said Greg “anyone would think you’d never seen a girl in the nude before”

That stung them; they weren’t going let out that Alice was the first female they had ever seen naked. Unfortunately their efforts at bravado failed miserably and Alice glowed inside. Her Nan was right; the pair of them would remember her forever.

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