Thursday 3 September 2009


Monday morning, the start of the working week. For many a time of deep misery as they enter a long dark tunnel where the light of a Friday evening shines as dim and as far as a guiding star above a storm tossed ship. But for university students on holiday Monday morning holds no fear. For Alice Monday morning announced itself with yet another hangover. She lay in her bed looking at the wallpaper pattern on the ceiling until driven by the pain of a full bladder she pushed back the bedclothes and swung her feet on the floor. She was mildly surprised to find she was naked. Then the memories flooded back, bringing at first feelings of shame that so many people had seen her in the nude. These feelings slowly metamorphosed into pride of accomplishment. She idly counted the number of people she had exposed herself to in the last week as she padded off to the bathroom.

Hangovers always made Alice hungry, so rather than go back to bed she decided to get up and have breakfast. She had a quick shower and headed back to her bedroom to get dressed. Alice stopped at the door. Why bother, it was a warm day, she wasn’t planning on going out and she had spent the whole of the previous day naked. She had nothing to hide from her family anymore so turning on her heels, she positively skipped down the stairs, breasts bouncing.

“Good morning” she announced brightly as she entered the kitchen.

Alice’s father looked up from his morning paper.

“I thought the Nude for Africa day was over” he commented.

“It is”

“Then why are you not wearing any clothes?” enquired her mother.

“I’m not cold” said Alice matter-of-factly.

“I hope you’re not turning into a nudist and planning on joining one of those clubs” said her mother

“Well not on my own, perhaps we could join as a family” Alice replied, This drew two startled looks, but no response. She smiled and continued “After yesterday I just don’t see the point of wearing clothes all the time”

“What exactly do you mean by that” said her father

“Well” began Alice “you’ll be seeing at lot more of me, when I’m home that is”

“Oh my” said her mother despairingly, “I do hope you won’t embarrass us in front of guests”

“Of course I won’t” Alice continued wickedly, “if they are embarrassed by nudity all they have to do is say so and I’ll go and put something on”

“Alice” said her father in a menacing tone.

“Just kidding, dad. I’ll only go nude in front of family; and my nudie friends”

Alice’s parents looked at their daughter in despair. What could you do with a nineteen year old who refused to wear clothes? They preyed she was joking, but somehow they knew she was not.

Charlotte was also getting up. She was not hung-over and recalled the previous day’s adventures perfectly. She shivered slightly.

“I’m glad that is over” she said to herself as she pulled on her robe and walked across the landing to the bathroom. She quickly showered. and covering her perfect body returned to her bedroom to select her clothes. Rarely had she taken so much care in choosing what to wear, she looked at her clothes as someone looking on a long lost friend just returning from afar. She relished in the feeling of being covered. Never again would she expose herself as she had done the day before. Singing happily she made her way downstairs to the kitchen and made herself some tea and some toast.

She swore quietly as a small globule of marmalade fell on her clean dress. Nudity did have some advantages she mused as she wiped it off with a cloth. The dress was clean and the marmalade had left an orange stain. Even so it did not dent her high spirits; her ordeal by nudity was over. Holding her cup in one hand and plate in the other she backed through the door to the breakfast room.

“Morning dear” said her mother

“Morning” replied Charlotte cheerily as she turned around to face the breakfast table.

“Now look what you’ve done” said her father testily “you’ve got jam all over the carpet!”


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