Thursday 3 September 2009


It was a warm summer day, with a blazing sun hanging in a blue sky and not a breath of wind. Charlotte was late. Even so she didn’t hurry; she didn’t really understand why she was even going to Lizzie’s. The thought of sitting around in Lizzie’s neighbour’s house stark naked was gnawing into her mind. She had turned back once already. Now she stood outside Lizzie’s front door twisting on her feet. Charlotte made her decision and turned to go.

“Hurry up Charlie, we’re late” said Lizzie. Charlotte looked up at her friend. Despite the heat she was wearing a long jumper. Charlotte sighed and went into the hall, her fate was sealed.
At least Lizzie is still dressed she thought.

“Hi Charlie” said Alice from the kitchen doorway, “we’ve been waiting for you”

“Hi Alice. Oh” Charlie’s voice went up an octave

“Hurry up, we were about go without you”

“Alice you’re naked” said Charlotte. Stating the obvious was one of her strengths.

“Der, well, like ,that’s the idea Charlie” said Alice

“But I thought we were going to a neighbour’s home” said Charlotte, desperately clutching at straws.

“It’s next door” said Lizzie pulling off her jumper to reveal nothing but bare flesh. To Charlotte’s dismay Lizzie’s equally naked mother strolled into the hall.

“Hi Charlotte, how is university life”

“Er fine Janet”

“Come on Charlie, we’re about to leave” said Alice “get your kit off”

It seemed to Charlotte that she moved within a dream. She pulled her summer dress over her head and before she could think about what she was doing she was pulling down her knickers

“Quick now” said Alice, “before I lose my nerve”
‘Your nerve’ thought Charlotte in a panic standing in the hall stark naked and wondering what was going to happen next

What did happen next was beyond her wildest nightmares. Her three naked companions walked out of the front door!

“For god’s sake Charlie will you get a move on” scolded Lizzie.

Still in a dream Charlotte, a naked Charlotte, walked out of the door onto the front path. The cold stones beneath her feet and the warm breeze that she had not felt when clothed brought her back to the awful reality.

“Clear” said Lizzie’s mum and four naked women scuttled along the pavement, and up the path to Mrs Street’s door.

Mrs Street welcomed them with a cheery “good morning” “you must call me Marjorie”

“Why don’t you girls go and sit in here while Janet and I bring in the coffee”

The three girls went into the Street’s elegantly decorated lounge. There were large red bath towels spread across all the chairs. They sat down.

Alice had been shopping for clothes on the way to Lizzie’s. Charlotte sat there, feeling the fabric of the chair against her bare back. listening with mounting incredulity as Alice explained about the dress she had just bought. Her hands gesticulated over parts of her naked body as she described the length and colour.

“I think it may a bit revealing Alice” said Lizzie.

Charlotte looked at Alice. She was lying back in the chair with her legs uncrossed, bare breasts jiggling as she talked about a revealing dress. Charlotte began to think she was the only sane person left in a world gone mad. Then she remembered she too was naked.

“You alright Charlie” asked Lizzie “you look a little pale”

“Alright! Of course I’m not alright. I’ve just walked naked through your street and now I’m sitting naked in your neighbour’s lounge while your naked mother and your equally naked neighbour make coffee”

“Hey chill out Charlie” said Alice

Mrs Street and Lizzie’s mum brought in the coffees and some homemade cake. As they sat and ate Charlotte noticed crumbs were falling into her lap. She carefully picked them out of her pubic hair and dropped them onto her plate.

“A car has just pulled up outside Marjory” said Alice.

Marjory went to the window, pulled back the net curtain and peeked out. Charlotte watched the cheeks of her buttocks vibrate with shock. A rather large tuft of dark hair was visible between her legs. Charlotte made a note to do a touch of trimming before Sunday

“Oh my God it’s Edgar. But, but he never comes home.”

Despite the warmth of the day Charlotte felt suddenly very cold. Goosebumps rose all over skin and her nipples visibly tightened.

“Quick girls” said Alice’s mum “into the garden”

“I’ll stall him” said Marjory wrapping a towel around herself, “do you want to take the towels to cover yourselves?”

Charlotte was about to utter her undying thanks but Lizzie said “no we’ll be ok, we’ll just slip out of the side gate” Before Charlotte was able to protest Alice pushed her towards the door. By the time they had scurried out of the back door, Lizzie’s mum was already sneaking out of the side gate into the drive.

“Come on Charlie” hissed Alice as she ran across the lawn after Lizzie

“But what if the neighbours see us?” said a clearly panicked Charlotte

“They are the neighbours” said Alice pointing towards Lizzie’s bare behind
just disappearing through the garden gate. Charlotte ran as fast as she could, breasts bouncing wildly in front of her, not caring who saw, with thoughts only of the sanctity of Lizzie’s front door.

Finally she was safely inside with the door firmly closed against the outside world. Charlotte stood stark naked in Lizzie’s hallway with heart pounding and chest heaving.

“Whooo hoo” squealed Alice “High five girls” She and Lizzie slapped hands. She turned to Charlotte “What a blast, gimme five Charlie”

Charlotte wearily held up her hand.

“Let’s go again” said Alice.

But Mr Street stayed at home a long, long time and the three girls had to content themselves with some naked sunbathing.

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