Thursday 3 September 2009


Charlie cut the call and turned to face he parents.

“Hello Charlotte” said her mother “I see you’ve gone through with it”

Charlotte couldn’t think of any thing to say, after all she was standing there starkers, so of course she had gone through with it.

“Ah Charlotte” began her father “Tom and Stella have just come to say hello”

Charlotte froze. This could not be happening, they wouldn’t dare. But her parents had. Through the door strode Stella and Tom.

“We just had to come and tell you how brave we thought you are” said Stella

“We knew you wouldn’t mind” said Charlotte’s mother sticking the knife in further “The people at church were a little incredulous, but now Tom and Stella can vouch that you are completely naked” said her mother with a smile.

Some people fold in a crisis and others seem to rise to the occasion. Under ordinary circumstances Charlotte was a complete dope, but now, standing naked in the hall facing her parents and her neighbours Charlotte became icy calm.

“Of course not” she said calmly “you’ll stay for coffee won’t you?”

“Oh yes, of course we will” said Tom very quickly, a little too quickly for Stella’s liking and she shot him a filthy look. But Tom was oblivious. For him whole wide world had boiled down to one perfect object standing exposed before him. Charlotte was a stunning blonde who turned everyone’s eye when she was clothed. Stark naked she was ravishing and death on his white horse would not have pulled Tom’s attention away from her at that moment.

“I’ll go and put the kettle on” said Charlotte. She turned and walked into the kitchen, her bare buttocks rising and falling alternately, as mesmerising as a hypnotist’s watch.

Her mother watched her daughter’s bare body disappear through the door. She winced; her daughter had seen her and raised the stakes and she feared that Charlotte hadn’t finished yet.

Charlotte’s parents were sitting in their lounge trying to make small talk with their neighbours when their naked daughter breezed holding a tray laden with five cups and a plate of biscuits. She placed the tray carefully on the low coffee table. This gave Tom a very close view of her bare behind. As Charlotte handed the cups around her breasts hung before her. The more Charlotte flaunted her body the angrier her parents and Stella became. Whether they were annoyed with Charlotte for her display or themselves for conjuring up this situation they weren’t too sure. But either way they were irritated. Charlotte primly spread a towel over the seat of a chair opposite to a blissfully happy Tom and sat down carefully crossing her legs.

“How was church” asked Charlotte. She was immensely pleased with herself. Her parents plan to embarrass her had backfired completely.

“A very nice service” said Tom “it’s a pity you weren’t there”

Charlotte shrugged and spread her arms, further emphasizing her nudity.

She noticed a slight swelling in Tom’s trousers that he was desperately tying to hide. Her face beamed angelically

“I don’t think I would have been very welcome dressed like this” she said

Stella had had enough.

“Well I suppose not, but it is in a good cause. I’m sure some of the congregation would have sacrificed their prurience in the name of charity.” She said

“Absolutely” agreed Tom.

“We certainly would have been prepared to bare all ourselves for such a good cause, wouldn’t we” said Stella looking directly at her husband.

“Oh yes” he said

“It’s not too late” said Charlotte wickedly “You can start the twenty fours hours any time today, I’ve got a spare sponsor form if you would like one”

“You know I think I would” said Stella, and she smirked. Tom took his eyes off Charlotte for the first time since she had walked into the room

“What” he mumbled

“Well” continued Stella warming to her theme “If we start straight away we would have finished by lunch tomorrow.”

“I have to go into work tomorrow morning” replied Tom in desperation

“I’ll phone John and explain that we are both entering Nude for Africa. I’m sure he’ll understand. In fact he’ll probably sponsor us. Perhaps he’ll get a few more sponsors when he gets into the office”

“But, but” spluttered Tom going down for the second time and swallowing sea water.

“Charlotte could pop over this afternoon for coffee and be our witness”

Tom groaned. Charlotte smiled “of course I could” she said

Charlotte’s mother gave her daughter a stern look, this had gone far enough.

“Well I don’t know, you’ll be outside in the nude, Charlotte”

“Oh I can just slip across the garden” she said breezily.

“Why don’t you come too, Judy” said Stella “and bring Stephen with you”

Charlotte was very pleased with the way she had manipulated the situation, Stella was clearly very angry; Tom’s expression was of mild panic mixed with astonishment. Her mother was smiling grimly and her father sat looking at his shoes shaking his head.

Stella and Tom quickly finished their coffee.

“Thank you for the drink, it was very nice” said Stella picking up the sponsor form. She turned to her husband.

“Come along Tom you have some phone calls to make; and some clothes to remove”

She smiled grimly as she strode across the room.

“Well it was lovely to see you Charlotte” said Stella as Tom winced, “and we shall see more of each other later” She smiled as she saw the look on her husband’s face.

“I’m looking forward to it” replied Charlotte, smiling contentedly when she saw the look on her father’s face.

Her mother closed the front door and turned on her daughter.

“You, young lady, are out of order” she scolded

“What, me, I didn’t invite them in, you did just that so you could embarrass me. Well it didn’t work” And with that Charlotte strode into the lounge to pick up the coffee cups.

There was an icy silence in the kitchen. Charlotte sang happily to herself as put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. When she had finished she turned around to find both her parents staring at her.

“What?” said Charlotte.

“Are you fully intending to go to through with this?” asked her father

“We had rather hoped you would have covered up when we invited Tom and Stella in” said her mother

“Well your little plan didn’t work, did it” replied Charlotte haughtily.

She held her arms out and spun around. Despite her initial misgivings she was revelling in being naked and thoroughly enjoying her parents’ discomfort.

“And you fully intend going to our neighbours’ house dressed like that?” asked her father sternly.

“Well technically I’m not dressed, but since you ask, yes I am,” said Charlotte firmly. “And I’m going even if you decide to stay here.”

“Oh no, you won’t” said her mother, “we’ll be joining you, don’t you worry about that”

Charlotte looked at her mother’s face, she recognised that look. Her mother had set her mind on something and that something was about to happen.

“Come along Stephen” said her mother and pushed her reluctant father out of the door.

Charlotte thought about that phrase ‘we’ll be joining you’. She had a feeling she had just poked a stick into a wasps nest.

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